The Cass County, Iowa Master Gardeners (CCMG) are offering a $1,000 scholarship, with applications due April 27. This scholarship is available to students who are graduating in 2018 or who have previously graduated from any of the following Iowa school districts, in which current members of CCMG reside: Atlantic, Audubon, AHSTW, Clarinda, CAM, Exira-EHK, Griswold, Harlan, Red Oak or Riverside.
The goal of the Master Gardener program is to support horticulture education and community service. CCMG members provide many hours of volunteer service in their communities. Accordingly, this scholarship is intended to provide post-secondary funds to individuals who are studying, or intend to pursue a career in, a horticulture-related field. The scholarship winner will be selected based upon academic success, history of community service, and career goals. Demonstration of interest and experience in horticulture will also be considered.
The application form is available through the high school guidance departments at the schools named above, or on the Cass County Extension website at Applications should be submitted to the Cass County Extension Office, 805 W 10th St, Atlantic, Iowa 50022, or emailed to [email protected].
Applications Due April 27 for consideration