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Free Program to Discuss “How to Get $4 Corn”

Grain marketing is a hot topic among local farmers, and an upcoming meeting on the topic is being moved to a larger location to accommodate interest from area producers.

Farmers often mention that their crop marketing is challenging and needs improvement. The upcoming workshop focuses on a full 18-month marketing plan to help producers understand the big picture of effectively marketing their crop. Titled “How to Get $4 Corn: Learn Crop Marketing from Start to Finish”, this two-hour workshop is coming to Atlantic on Tuesday evening December 10th.

The workshop has been moved to the American Legion Memorial Building, also known as the Armory, located at 201 Poplar in downtown Atlantic. The time has not changed, and the meeting will still be held on Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 PM, with doors opening at 6 PM. There is no cost to attend the meeting. Pre-registration is encouraged to help plan for materials and seating. Walk-in registrations are also welcome, but materials are not guaranteed. Local sponsors of this program include First Whitney Bank, Cass County Farm Bureau and Cass County Extension.

Developed by the Center for Farm Financial Management and Iowa Farm Bureau, the workshop teaches the long view in crop marketing. The workshop, including crop marketing simulation, will be facilitated by Ed Kordick of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, and hosted locally by Patrick Hatting, Farm Management Specialist for Southwest Iowa with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Seven other locations will also be offered across Iowa throughout the winter.

For more information or to pre-register, or call the Cass County Extension office at 712-243-1132 or email Lori Anderson at [email protected]. You can also visit for information on other locations around the state, or to register online.