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New Event to Feature a Variety of Perennial Favorites

Fall can be a great time for planting! The Cass County Master Gardeners are hosting their first fall plant sale on Saturday morning September 21 at the Cass County Community Center. The sale will be open to the public to buy perennials and bulbs that have been recently dug and divided for fall planting. Plants already confirmed to be on the sale include Peonies, bearded iris, Siberian iris, hosta, spring-flowering bulbs, daylilies (including Stella lilies), perennial geranium, coneflowers, daisies, and Naked Lady bulbs. Additional plants will continue to be added to the sale, as well as possibly some garden tools and decor.

The sale begins at 8 AM on Saturday September 21, and will be held in the front parking lot of the Cass County Community Center on the fairgrounds in Atlantic. Interested gardeners are reminded that no plants will be sold before 8:00 AM, but don’t be late because the spring sale is often sold out by 10:00 AM.

Many perennials work well for fall dividing and transplanting, include daylilies, peonies, garden phlox, bleeding heart, coneflowers, speedwell, and more.  Irises and hostas can also be transplanted successfully in early fall.  By dividing the plant when it is not flowering, all the energy it produces can be directed to root and foliage growth, so plants overwinter in place and come back strong in the spring. October is also the ideal time to plant tulips, daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs in Iowa, according to ISU Extension and Outreach horticulturists. When planted in October, spring-flowering bulbs have sufficient time to develop a good root system before the ground freezes in winter.

Donations of divided plants or bulbs are welcome if you have items you would like to donate. Individuals interested in donating plants are encouraged to call the Cass County Extension Office at 243-1132 for more details.

Information on the fall plant sale can also be found on the Cass County Extension website at In addition, you are invited to follow the Cass County Master Gardeners on their Facebook page at to keep up with events and tips for gardening! For more information about Master Gardener activities in Cass County, call the Cass County Extension Office at 712-243-1132 or email Cass County Extension Director and Master Gardener Coordinator Kate Olson at [email protected].